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Our view on Giving

A Giving God

God is a "Giving" God. He gave to us first. He set the example. And He directs us to follow Him in being a "Giving" Family. And though He promises to return to us our sacrifice, we do not give to get! We "bring," and we "give," to be obedient to our faithful Lord!


God's Word teaches that we "Bring" the "Lord's Tithe" into His storehouse. Which simply means that we are directed by God to return the "First-fruits" of our lives to the Lord the very first 10% of who we are in A) our time, B) our talents, and C) our treasure. 


We also are directed by Scripture to "Give" "Offerings," beyond the "bringing" of the tithe. This is where we support "Mission's" efforts around the globe. Please go to our Mission's Focus page to see the priorities we feel the Lord has directed us to make.


And then, there are "Special Projects" that we feel are worthy of our support also. We focus on certain areas of ministry, alternating them as we feel the Lord directs, usually quarterly. 


Should the Lord speak to your heart, please mark your donation appropriately. All gifts to Lighthouse Assembly of God are tax-deductible, as we are a 501(c) 3 non profit organization. 


Thank you for trusting the Lord with your time, talents, and treasure. May He bless you for putting your life in His hands!


Lighthouse Assembly of God

26 W Fee Ave, Melbourne, Florida 32901

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© 2019 by Lighthouse Assembly of God.

© 2019 by Lighthouse Assembly of God.

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